Once you get below the surface there exists layer upon layer of snow, each layer being unique. Wind, temperature and sunlight all effect the consistency of the snow. There has been a lot of ice core work done here that is valuable in discovering information about the history of earth. We are living in one of the warmer and more stable periods of earth's climate. Air molecules and various particles from past ages were trapped millions of years ago allowing the ice to serve as a sort of "two mile time machine". Ice near the surface gets compacted as new layers form above it and the foundation flows toward the sea, all the while carrying a wealth of information that can be extracted with the right techniques.

Above, my brother and I enjoy spending time with our great grandmother, Olga. In the same way, humans have built upon the foundation of previous generations, with each new generation being a truly unique layer influenced by experience.

Luckily I have two great parents who created a safe environment for me to enter the world with the appropriately bounded freedom to experience it. To the right, I enjoyed being carried on my dad's back as we walk through the woods.
Actually, Cathy and I are preparing to support another layer of life. That's right she's pregnant! She is starting her second trimester and so many thoughts race through my head every day since we found out the good news before I left the States. I am looking forward to being back in a month to prepare for the little one as her belly grows and the days get colder approaching the month of January. Hopefully we can provide the care and love that our family members have given us over the years. I know I'm very excited to see what kind of personality he/she has. From this ultrasound it seems the little one is enjoying the womb; kickin' it with legs crossed and head held high.
I love your musings on family. I too am most excited to meet this new little one. Love to you and looking forward to seeing you when you come to CA.